This is the list of plants that I would like to source, either to try out or to increase the diversity of my stocks. If you have seeds, plants or cuttings of any of them, I’d be very happy to trade for anything I do have or for that matter to receive surprise gifts in the post! Plants marked with an asterisk are ones where I don’t know where to get the seeds so any pointers would be very welcome.
*Amphicarpaea bracteata – northern provenance
*Atriplex nutalii (Nutall’s saltbush)
*Astragalus crassicarpus (ground plum)
Bamboos with edible shoots
*Parasenecio (Cacalia) spp
Caryopteris divaricata (bluebeard)
*Celastrus orbiculatus (Oriental bittersweet)
Cornus officinalis (shan zhu yu)
*Cyperus esculentus var. leptostachyus (yellow nutsedge) – northern provenance
*Erythronium japonicum (katakuri)
Fritillaria lanceolata (chocolate lily, rice root)
*Gaylussacia baccata (black huckleberry)
Glycyrrhiza lepidota (American liquorice)
*Helwingia japonica
Hosta fortunei ‘Gigantea’
Hosta montana
*Lactuca perennis
Ledum groenlandicum, glandulosum (Labrador tea, trapper’s tea)
Lilium canadense (meadow lily)
Lilium columbianum (Columbia lily, tiger/panther lily)
Lilium davidii (stream lily)
Lilium philadelphicum (wood lily)
Lonicera angustifolium
Peltaria alliaceae (garlic cress)
*Perideridia gairdneri (Gairdner’s yampah, wild caraway
Phyteuma species (spiked rampions)
*Pimpinella brachycarpa (chamnamul)
Rudbeckia laciniata varieties other than Herbstonne
*Rubus geoides (miñe-miñe)
Staphylea holocarpa (Chinese bladdernut)
Streptopus amplexifolius
Streptopus roseus/lanceolatus
Streptopus streptopoides
*Tradescantia subaspera (zigzag spiderwort)
Tricyrtis species (toad lilies)
*Vaccinium membranaceum
I recently noticed the Lycopus spp. americanus and asper are available as of 2013 from Prairie Moon Nursery.
Wish I had something to share with you, but got here searching things on my want list…
Thanks for the lead, Rob. I wasn’t aware of Prairie Moon. They’ve got quite a list of plants.
I notice you have B. Bulbocastanum, I was just wondering if you’ve considered the closely related B. Persicum. I’m not sure if anyone has tried to grow it over here – I plan to do so soon – but they seem at least to be fairly cold tolerant, growing in alpine and sub-alpine habitats of the North-Western Himalayas (at altitudes of up to 3500m amsl). The seeds are available from some Indian food stores sold under the name Kala Jeera/Zeera (Black Cumin). If you do decide to give them a go they apparently germinate best at temperatures between 10 and 25 degrees Celsius, after a period of 20-45 days cold stratification.
Hi Nathan. Thanks for the tip. I had always assumed that B persicum wouldn’t be hardy in the UK. Do let me know how you get on with it.
Allium altissimum is available at
You’ve mentioned Allium Paradoxum Normale as three-cornered leek – I thought three-cornered leek was Allium Triquetrum and that Paradoxum was Few-flowered Leek/Garlic
My mistake. Thanks for pointing it out.
B&T World Seeds have Allium paradoxum normale listed
When you say you want seabuckthorn, are you after named varieties or wild seeds from different areas? It’s very common where I live and fruits prolifically (Northern Denmark) Same lattitude as Aberdeen but colder winters.
Either of those would be great.
Jurassic plants have quite an interesting selection of things…. Just ordered quite a lot from them, I really want to create a nice “natural” looking food forest garden, I’ve got a paddock that’s 2 acres but want to keep it small, near one of the fence lines – would love to chat to you some time and get some of your thoughts on what would work
All the best,
Hi Danny
Yes, they do, don’t they? I came across them this year when looking for a supplier of Kalopanax septemlobus and bought a few things. They come very small but that’s not really a problem. Starting small is a good approach with a forest garden too – although it’s nice to have space to expand into for the future. Drop me an email if you’d like to chat.